yellow circle [30%-90%]

yellow circle [30%-90%] | Julie Johnstone | concertina | h100mm x w100mm closed; w700mm open | on each page the tint of yellow increases by 10%, starting at 30% and ending at 90% | printed inkjet on Bockingford watercolour 300gsm | open edition | 2023 | £15 | purchase

yellow circle [30%-90%] pocket version | Julie Johnstone | concertina | h50mm x w50mm closed; w350mm open | on each page the tint of yellow increases by 10%, starting at 30% and ending at 90% | printed inkjet on Bockingford watercolour 300gsm | open edition | 2023 | £4 | purchase
into the dark light

into the dark light [yellow light version] | Julie Johnstone | concertina | h90mm x w95mm closed; w380mm open | into (50% black); the (70% black); dark (90% black); light (90% yellow) | printed inkjet on Bockingford watercolour 300gsm | open edition | 2023 | £4 | purchase

into the dark light [grey light version] | Julie Johnstone | concertina | h90mm x w95mm closed; w380mm open | into (70% black); the (80% black); dark (90% black); light (30% black) | printed inkjet on Bockingford watercolour 300gsm | open edition | 2023 | £4 | purchase
Grass of Parnassus, Lindisfarne
with Nancy Campbell

Essence Press is happy to introduce an artists’ book collaboration by Nancy Campbell and Julie Johnstone. Grass of Parnassus, Lindisfarne is a tribute to the dramatic landscape of Lindisfarne, a tidal island off the coast of Northumberland, and the delicate and sweet-smelling saxifrage which thrives there.
on a clear day
Agnes Martin book works & poem objects

The central focus of my practice recently has been working to build a body of book works and poem-objects inspired by the painter Agnes Martin. Please visit the Agnes Martin page to view the works.

on a clear day
with jane duran
ON A CLEAR DAY is a collaboration between the poet Jane Duran and the artist publisher Julie Johnstone.

on a clear day | poem by Jane Duran; artwork and design by Julie Johnstone | large square book | h260mm x w260mm; 36pp | The text is the poem ‘On a Clear Day 1973’ by Jane Duran, first published in her collection the clarity of distant things, Carcanet Press, 2021. It forms part of a sequence of poems, gridlines, inspired by the life and work of Agnes Martin. On a Clear Day is the title of a portfolio of thirty screenprints by Agnes Martin. The artwork and design are by Julie Johnstone in response to the poem and to On a Clear Day by Agnes Martin. | printed inkjet on Bockingford watercolour paper 190gsm, with a tracing paper end paper | 5-hole binding in linen thread | hand torn | open edition | 2023 | £35 | available 1 May 2023
More images and details on the dedicated page
rhythm lines
for the AMBruno Rhythm project 2023

A playful reading experience of rhythmically repeating and interacting visual components in a process of gradual revelation and escalation. Horizontal sight-lines explore how the human eye is alerted and attuned to developments in visual rhythms as each page is turned.
rhythm lines | h 80mm x w 370mm | printed inkjet on Bockingford watercolour 190gsm | handbound and handtorn | created for the AMBruno RHYTHM project, 2023 | open edition | £30 | purchase
The selector was Catriona Gourlay, Assistant Curator, Word and Image at the National Art Library, Victoria and Albert Museum. Her recent V&A display, Landscape and Language in Artists’ Books, explored how artists since the 1960s have used thought-provoking combinations of word and image to respond to landscape or evoke imaginary places.